Eco-Adventure on Tachai Island

Eco-Adventure Tachai Island


Traveling to Tachai Island typically starts from Thap Lamu Pier in Phang Nga Province, which serves as the main departure point for boats heading to the various islands in the Similan Islands National Park. Tourists can choose between speedboats, which take approximately an hour and a half, and slower ferries, which may take longer. Several tour companies offer packages that include transfers from hotels in Khao Lak or Phuket to the pier.

On Koh Tachai, there are no motor vehicles or motorcycles available due to the island’s conservation policies aimed at preserving its pristine environment. Visitors must explore the island on foot or by bicycle, with guided tours by park rangers ensuring safety and preventing accidents.

During the season when Koh Tachai is open to visitors (typically from November to April), tourists can book boat tickets and accommodations in advance through the Similan Islands National Park website or various tour companies. This ensures a smooth trip with guaranteed seats on the boats.

Attractions and Activities

Tachai Island boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Thailand, with fine white sand stretching for about 800 meters. These beaches are ideal for relaxation, photography, and swimming. The crystal-clear waters are perfect for snorkeling, offering views of vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life.

The island also features hiking trails through rainforests and mangrove forests, providing a unique opportunity to experience and appreciate its natural beauty. Guided hikes by park rangers offer insights into the local flora and fauna, such as various bird species and hermit crabs.


Accommodation on Tachai Island is limited due to the conservation policies of the Similan Islands National Park. Tourists can stay in tents provided in designated camping areas, with both single and double tents equipped with basic amenities like mattresses and pillows, as well as communal cooking areas and restrooms.

For those seeking more comfort, staying at a resort or hotel in Khao Lak or Phuket is an option. These establishments often offer tour packages that include accommodation and boat transfers to and from Thap Lamu Pier, providing a convenient and comfortable travel experience.

Additionally, there are homestays and guesthouses in nearby areas, offering a more local and budget-friendly lodging option. These places provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere, often at a lower cost than hotels or resorts.

Conservation and Environment

Tachai Island is managed by the Similan Islands National Park, which enforces strict conservation policies to protect the island’s natural resources, including coral reefs and marine life. Activities on the island must adhere to park regulations, such as not littering and avoiding damage to marine habitats.

Research and conservation projects, often involving researchers and volunteers from around the world, focus on coral restoration and studying ecosystem recovery in protected areas. These efforts aim to restore and maintain the health and sustainability of the underwater ecosystem.

Tourist participation in environmental conservation is also crucial. Visitors are encouraged to follow park rules and contribute to keeping the island clean by not littering, using eco-friendly products, and respecting the natural habitats and wildlife.


Koh Tachai offers basic facilities for tourists, including public restrooms, cooking areas, and camping sites equipped with tents and necessary camping gear. There are also small shops selling snacks and beverages for visitors who need a break during their exploration of the island.

Additionally, the visitor information center provides valuable information and advice on island activities. Park staff can guide tourists on hiking trails, viewpoints, and other attractions, ensuring they have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Safety on Koh Tachai is maintained by park rangers who monitor and assist tourists in case of emergencies.

Eco-Adventure Tachai Island (2)

Precautions and Recommendations

Before traveling to Koh Tachai, tourists should check the weather forecast as bad weather can make the journey unsafe. It is advisable to avoid traveling during the monsoon season or on days with rough seas to prevent maritime accidents.

Tourists should bring personal items such as sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and appropriate swimwear due to the intense sun exposure in the area. It is also wise to pack drinking water and light snacks, as there may not be shops available in all areas of the island.


Koh Tachai offers a unique and beautiful natural environment, allowing tourists to experience unspoiled nature without the crowds often found at other tourist destinations. The controlled number of daily visitors helps maintain the environment and ensures a more private and peaceful experience.

The journey to Koh Tachai provides a distinctive experience, with scenic views of the clear waters and the stunning Similan Islands. Tourists can enjoy the beauty of the sea and stroll along the fine white sandy beaches, making it an ideal spot for relaxation and photography.

Furthermore, the island’s strict conservation and management by the national park ensure that the natural environment is well-preserved. Tourists can learn about and engage in conservation efforts, promoting a greater appreciation for nature and sustainable tourism practices in the long term.

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Economic Significance

Tourism on Koh Tachai plays a vital role in generating income for local communities and the economy of Phang Nga Province. Tourism creates jobs in various service sectors such as tour operations, accommodation services, and restaurants, providing significant revenue for local residents.

Additionally, the influx of tourists supports the sale of local products, such as fresh seafood, handicrafts, and unique souvenirs. This helps distribute income within the community and promotes the local economy.

Koh Tachai’s well-maintained conservation status attracts tourists interested in nature and conservation, who typically spend more during their visits.

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